I recently read Zero to One
by Peter Thiel (The co-founder of Paypal, the result of a merger between Elon
Musk & his payment solutions startup). Thereafter, he’s invested in
multiple businesses & shares his vision on the next big disruption.
This is
his guide to anyone looking to start a business. I believe it is as relevant to
people who are associated with any business to upgrade their skill set to be
relevant in the future. Below is my interpretation of the book –
- Brilliant
thinking is rare, but courage is in even shorter supply than genius – most people are good
at a lot of things, the thing that differentiate creators from consumers
is the courage to take the first step & then have the grit to follow
it through
- Progress can take two forms - Horizontal (going from 1 to n by
simply copying; in other words “globalisation”) or Vertical (0 to 1). In a world of scarce resources,
globalisation without technology is unsustainable – China is a classic
example of globalisation. They just want to be where America is and are
continuously chasing. But the important thing to note here is that America
did it at a time when resources per capita were much more, if you simply
replicate the same in today’s world of scarce resources it will be
environmentally catastrophic
- In the
most dysfunctional organisations, signalling that work is being done
becomes a better strategy for career advancement than actually doing work. Such organisations
cannot develop new things – Suggestion from the author: If you’re working
in such an organisation, quit right now!
- Monopolies
drive progress as they can think of things other than money – All happy families
are alike, all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. Business is
the opposite. Uniqueness is what drives exponential & sustainable
- Competition
is where we lose.
Amid all the human drama, people lose sight of what matters and focus on
their rivals instead – Google & Microsoft started focussing on each
other in OS (chrome/windows) & search engines (Bing/Google). War is costly business, Google and
Microsoft were once each more valuable than Apple. Now Apple is the most
valuable business on Earth
- Every monopoly is unique, but basic attributes common –
- Proprietary
technology (something
that is at least 10X better than prevalent tech)
- Network
(something that spreads with the human network. Rather, becomes a need
for the human network)
- Economies
of scale
- Branding (Uphold it!)
Start with a large share of a
small market, any big market is a bad choice. Most people who dream of achieving 1% of a USD 100Bn
market never reach there as any USD 100Bn will have immense competition eyeing
the same prize (which cuts margins to sustain)
- Is success
driven by luck?
If yes, how much? For this we need to conduct experiments as statistics
don’t work when sample size is 1. And companies just start once. Luck is
in past tense. Indefinite optimism isn’t sustainable if you have no plans
to achieve the vision – Don’t wait for luck, be ready for it!
- Arguing
over process has become a way to endlessly defer making concrete plans for
a better future.
This is when politics takes
over. It is no surprise entitlement spending has overtaken discretionary
spending in our govt budgets
- Never underestimate exponential growth. Money makes
money – Compounding effect is a
fundamental principle!
- If it is
conventional - it’s easy; if secret - it’s difficult; if mystery - it’s
Same is with returns on these
and concentrate your efforts accordingly. If we believe whatever could’ve been
done has already been done, things are either too easy or impossible. This
implies we believe there are no hidden injustices left in our society. What
to do with a secret once you know? The golden mean between not telling
anyone and telling everyone is called a Company
- A start up messed
at its foundation cannot be fixed. Same is applicable to countries and companies. Co-founder is like matrimony. It is unromantic
to think of what could go wrong, so people don’t – Select your team wisely
& check compatibility as this is what is going to for the foundation
of the organisation/your function
- It is useful to distinguish 3 concepts - ownership (who legally owns the
company), possession (who
actually runs the company on day to day basis), control (who formally governs the company affairs) – Big organisations
provide a good understanding on this via their structure
- By far the
worst you can do is making your board extra-large – smaller cohesive
group dedicated full time brings in more efficiency. You’re either on the
bus or off the bus. If you’re not dedicated full time, misalignments creep
- No company
HAS a culture. Each company IS a culture. Decorating office walls
or free massages won’t work until you provide something of substance – Employer
- Recruitment
is a core competency for any organisation. Never outsource it – Key question to
answer for yourself: Why should the 20th employee join your organisation
when she has plenty of options?
- Sales is everywhere, most
people underrate it – For those who think all sales people do is
meetings/calls, their priority is
persuasion, not sincerity. It is a hidden art.
- For advertising, customer
lifetime value (CLV) and customer
acquisition cost (CAC) must be considered before rolling out any
- On
- people compete for jobs and
resources, computers compete
for neither. People have intentionality
(form plans and make decisions in complicated situations) but we are less
good at making sense of enormous
data. Computers are the opposite.
- 7
questions for a business-
- engineering (can you
create breakthrough instead of incremental improvements?)
- timing (is now the
right time?)
- monopoly (are you
starting with a big share of smaller market?)
- people (right team?)
- distribution (a way to
not just create but deliver?)
- durability (will your
market position be defensible 10-20 years from now?)
- secret (have you
identified unique opportunities that others don’t see?)
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