Factfulness, by Hans Rosling, is an attempt to remove age old perceptions from the society. It does so in the most effective way possible – by Data. It is written in a way that is empathetic, yet forces the reader to understand the changing dynamics to enable business decisions. The funny part is it compares human intelligence (rather perception) against Chimps & in most cases, we lose! Just to give a perspective, in a 3 point multiple choice questionnaire, chimps would still have a 33% chance of getting it right & yet we perform worse. Bill Gates recommends this as a must read for all college students. Below is my interpretation of the book –
- Child
mortality rate gives much more about a society –
access to primary healthcare, sewage systems leaking into drinking water & mother’s
education are some of the factors that influence this KPI of Child mortality
rate. Contrary to our belief, the child mortality rate has dropped
significantly globally & improvement in above factors represent an overall
improvement in society & living standards.
- Gap
instinct: The world isn’t really divided into rich & poor now –
of the world has moved to middle to high income group. A 4-level income split on lives is what the author suggests (see
below illustration). We as humans have the tendency to enhance the “gaps”
falling prey to our hunger for dramatics. The gossip isn’t important until
dramatized. To control it –
- look for majority;
avoid averages (there are always overlaps in the spreads of data)
- beware comparisons of
- when you’re at the top,
everything looks equally small. Dig deep before forming opinions
- The negativity
instinct: The misconception that the world is getting worse –
there are multiple improvements that are too slow & fragmented that they
don’t qualify as news. Only 9% of human
population lives in under $2/day (extreme poverty) now. Again, to feed to
our negative instinct, media only publishes the negatives that create a
dramatic impact. To control negativity instinct, remember –
- it is better AND bad
- good news is not news
- beware of rosy pasts – This
also has to do with misremembering. Old people generally romanticise that
things ain’t what they used to be. Memory is always a reconstruction
- more news does not equal
more suffering – it is a mere repetition of the same instant
- The straight-line
instinct: We see all trends in a line of best fit –
population increase wasn’t a straight line. As more people get out of extreme
poverty, they have fewer babies/woman. The
balance with nature was earlier made by deaths. Now it is made by choice.
- The fear
instinct: critical thinking is always difficult, but it’s impossible when
we are scared
no room for facts when our minds are occupied by fear. We can’t process all the
information and hence an attention filter/shield (this is our interest area) is
required for selective information processing. But there are holes in the
shield that let information that appeals to our dramatic instinct pass. Media
houses know exactly this & hence the news that we see. Most fears are because
of our evolutionary past of wars, refugee camps & civil uprisings. Fear is also good in the sense that the
fear of nukes, chemicals in our food chain has also brought us down to decent
level on these for a better life. The only thing that has got worse is
terrorism. They truly capitalised on the fear instinct.
to control the fear instinct?
and dangerous are two different things. Risk
= danger x exposure. Lastly, get calm before you carry on (easier said than
done. TRY)
- The size
instinct: never leave numbers (esp large numbers) alone –
compare them. E.g. 4.2 MN dead babies in 2016. But in 2015 it 4.4 and in 1950
it was 14.4 MN. Another interesting example is the war memorial sizes in
Vietnam. We remember Vietnam war as a huge black spot in world history but the
Vietnamese have put this whole size instinct in perspective very aptly. American
war memorial was the smallest (3 ft) as the duration of war was 20 years, memorial
of freedom from French colonial rule stands at 12 ft whereas the memorial for China
war is 300 ft as the war lasted for 2000 years! Now it seems the American war lasted ONLY 20 years!
- World
population Pin Code: 1,1,1,4 will change to 1,1,4,5 by 2100 –
is a very interesting way of putting up the world population chart by the
author. The centre of gravity for world
market will shift from North Atlantic to Indian Ocean. 11% world population
contributes 60% level 4 market. If that is the case, China is definitely investing
in the right direction with its BRI (Belt & Road Initiative). This is an indication
on where the next business investment should be.
(The correct answer right now is A)
- The
generalisation instinct: everyone automatically categorises and generalises
all the time. Unconsciously –
because you’ve generalised world population into “they”, you are missing the
right consumer segment. E.g. menstrual pads makers in the “west” targeting
specialised needs whereas general needs demand has shot up in level 2 & 3
When seemingly impregnable
logic is combined with good intentions, it is almost impossible to spot the
generalisation error.
E.g. the recovery position on soldiers and infants.
- It is not
that poor public hospitals cannot afford paint. Sometimes it is a
strategic decision. Flaking walls keep away the rich patients who have
special (time consuming) treatment demands. It helps the hospital allocate
its limited resources and time to help more number of people.
- The destiny
instinct: some cultures, nations, religions will never catch up –
these are not rocks, they move. Mozambique is where India was 35 years ago. But
India has succeeded to level 2 and a reliable trade partner. Mozambique has a
long, beautiful coastline on the Indian Ocean , the future centre of global
trade. Why should it not prosper?
to control it? Keep updating your
knowledge and be mindful of gradual change (even in your own culture)
- The single
perspective instinct: all problems have a single cause or all problems
have a single solution –
expertise is limited to your area only. Give a child a hammer and everything
looks like a nail. Look at the numbers, but not only at the numbers. Numbers
support hypothesis, but hypothesis are derived from talking to people. E.g. Mozambique PM judges the prosperity of the
nation by watching shoes people wear in the annual parade. If he sees newer,
better shoes he is satisfied with the progress!
to control? Always remember – No single KPI determines improvement. It’s not
either/or. It’s both and case by case.
- The blame
instinct: we often put blame by assigning reasons for failure –
remember, “claim” comes as easily as “blame”!
It’s not right to simply blame media for portraying the distorted world view as
they themselves are human beings with dramatic instinct. Also, they must
compete for human attention or risk losing their jobs
- The
urgency instinct: now or never can block our roads and our minds –
we are afraid and under time pressure and thinking of worst case scenarios, we
tend to make really stupid decisions. Our
ability to think analytically can be overwhelmed by an urge to make quick
decisions and take immediate actions
14. When
big urgent problems arise, first organise the data.
15. 5 big problems as forecasted
by the author - global pandemic,
financial collapse, world war, climate change and extreme poverty
If this intrigues you, please
check out author’s website Gapminder for more charts on global trends &
PS – Do take the
questionnaire to see how you compare to the Chimps 😉
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